DRLA and Traumatology Institute directors Reggie Ferreira and Charles Figley went to Puerto Rico at the invitation of the Foundation for Puerto Rico, a nonprofit organization that promotes economic and social development. They are working with the foundation to assess Puerto Rico’s need for disaster mental health research and services, and to train nongovernmental organization leaders in disaster resilience leadership, share lessons learned from Katrina and other major disasters, and help local universities develop disaster resilience and trauma courses and programs.
Mental Health Experts Assist Puerto Rico
As Puerto Rico marked the one-year anniversary of Hurricane Maria in September, officials from Tulane University’s Disaster Resilience Leadership Academy (DRLA) and the Traumatology Institute were on the island discussing the state of mental health post-disaster.
As Puerto Rico marked the one-year anniversary of Hurricane Maria in September, officials from Tulane University’s Disaster Resilience Leadership Academy (DRLA) and the Traumatology Institute were on the island discussing the state of mental health post-disaster.

“The response to our visit has been amazing,” said Ferreira, who has been visiting Puerto Rico regularly since April. “The folks here have been open and appreciative of our assistance. They are especially interested to learn more about New Orleans and disaster recovery as it relates to Hurricane Katrina.”